
Microgreens are so versatile, they go with practically everything and add a nice touch of flavour, in addition to a ton of nutrition. 

Remember, they add almost 42 times more of each nutrient, making them small but highly nutritious. A handful of microgreens is sufficient each day. Have 2 or more handfuls when you need a health boost! Here're some simple recipes you can try.

Smoked Salmon Salad 


-A handful of Arugula microgreens, freshly harvested
-A handful of Chinese Kale microgreens, freshly harvested
-A handful of boiled green peas
-A handful of chopped walnuts, almonds, cashews (or whatever nuts you fancy)
-3-4 slices of smoked salmon

 Sauce: Plain yogurt, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, pepper


-Plate all ingredients nicely
-Drizzle with yogurt sauce 

Silky Tofu with Microgreens 

-A block of Silken Tofu, drained
-A handful of Chye Sim microgreens 
-1 tbsp oil

Sauce: 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1/4 tsp sesame oil, 1/4 tsp pinch sugar, 1/2 tsp vinegar

-Plate tofu 
-Drizzle sauce all over tofu
-In a pan, heat up oil until it's smoking
-Quickly drizzle hot oil over tofu to gently cook the sauce
-Garnish with microgreens

Mango Microgreens

-1/2 ripened mango, scored 
-Lemon wedge
-A handful of Mustard or Basil Microgreens

-Plate mango
-Drizzle with a light squeeze of lemon
-Garnish with microgreens

Optional fruits: Ripened rock melon, nectarines and persimmons - try them!

Healthy Fried Chicken with Microgreens Sauce 


-1 piece chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces
-1 tbsp soy sauce
-1/4 tsp sesame oil
-1/2 tsp crushed black pepper
-1/2 tsp garlic powder 
-3 pieces cream crackers, crushed finely 
-1 cup olive oil

Sauce: plain yogurt, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, pepper, chopped Broccoli microgreens


-Marinate chicken breast in soy sauce, sesame oil and black pepper for 20-30 mins
-Using a mortar and pestle or blender, crush cream crackers finely
-In a shallow plate, combine crushed cream crackers and garlic powder 
-Heat up oil in a pan at high heat
-Coat marinated chicken pieces with dry mix and gently drop into hot oil
-Fry each piece until golden brown
-Serve with microgreens sauce

Nectarine and Cheese Microgreens Salad 


-4-5 nectarines, cut to wedges (or any stone fruit in season)
-A handful of feta or goat cheese, crumbled
-A handful of Kang Kong Microgreens


-1-2 shallots, minced
-1/2 orange, juiced and zested 
-1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
-Salt and pepper to taste


-Plate nectarines, cheese and microgreens
-Drizzle with sauce 
-Enjoy it cold 

Roast Beef Tartine 


-1 slice of your favourite bread
-A dollop of mayonnaise
-A handful of leftover roasted meats (chicken, beef, lamb)
-A handful of Red Amaranth microgreens


-Spread mayonnaise on bread
-Assemble meats on bread
-Garnish with microgreens

Healthy Chicken Quinoa with Microgreens


-1 cup quinoa
-3 shallots, roughly chopped
-3 garlic cloves, smashed
-1 knob of ginger, smashed
-1 3/4 cup chicken broth
-3 pandan leaves, knotted
-1 chicken breast
-Cucumber, sliced

Sauce: grated ginger, spring onion, olive oil, salt


-In a pot, combine quinoa, shallots, garlic, ginger, pandan leaf and chicken broth
-Place chicken breast on top in the same pot and boil for 15 mins over medium heat
-After 15 mins, turn off heat and let pot continue sitting in its own residual heat for 10 more mins
-Make sauce by pouring hot oil over grated ginger and chopped spring onion, seasoned with salt
-Serve with sliced cucumbers and Beetroot microgreens